Eric Misko » Mr. Misko's Bio

Mr. Misko's Bio

B.S. in Education
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Major: Elementary Education
Concentration:  Mathematics
Certified: Elementary K- 6
M.S. in Education
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Major:  Special Education
Certified:  Special Education N-12

Life Skills Support

Homer-Center School District offers life skills support classroom that service the needs of the students from grades 7-12.  All students have the opportunity to receive instruction across various settings in both the regular education, special educational,  and/or a mixture of both. Students are offered the following courses and activities: Transitioning skills, Functional academics, Community based instruction, Independent living, Social skills, Jr. High Functional Reading, Sr. High Functional Reading, Sr. & Jr. High Functional Math

Vocational exploration and application.

Student needs are revisited yearly through the development of an Individualized Education Program for each student..