SAP Team
The purpose of the Student Assistance Program (SAP) is to help identify barriers that are obstacles to student success and to provide resources to students and families to remove these barriers. The team consists of trained professional staff that gather data and communicate with parents and students about available resources in and out of school that can provided help removing identified barriers.
SAP team members at Homer-Center are identifiable by a yellow SAP Member triangle near their work area.
SAP is not a disciplinary team! The team takes no disciplinary actions against students and is a confidential group for parents or students to report students who may have problems hindering their academic or personal success. Attached at the bottom of this page is a SAP referral form. These referrals can be placed in the SAP box located in the guidance office.(please delete this part... there is no SAP box in Guidance). Verbal referrals are also taken and can be made to any team member listed below.
The Homer-Center SAP Team is
Mrs. Karen Woods, Teacher & SAP Team Leader
Mrs. Kristin Curci, Guidance Counselor
Mr. Kurt Krejocic, Guidance Counselor
Ms. Tammy Buffone, Teacher
Mrs.Lisa Golec, Nurse
Ms. Christina Bruno, Teacher
Mr. Steven Hall, Teacher
Mrs. Cindy Scott, Teacher
Mr. Matt Rodkey, Assistant Principal
Mr. Jody Rainey, Principal