Steven Hall » 10th Grade World Cultures

10th Grade World Cultures

World Cultures 10

World Cultures traces World History and the diverse populations from the early history to the present day.  Students will, upon completion of this course, understand the events that have influenced our world and culture today. They will examine the contributions of individuals and groups who have shaped our world.  The will also look at the influences of continuity and change, as well as conflict and cooperation that affected the human story.  Topics of study include but are not limited to the Renaissance, Reformation, Colonialism, the Scientific, Industrial and French Revolutions, Imperialism, and the World Wars. Students will also study the cultural and historical impact of African,  Middle Eastern, South Asian, and European civilizations.



  1. Introduction to World Cultures and Historical Ideas
  2. Africa
  3. Middle East
  4. South Asia
  5. East Asia
  6. Europe
  7. Latin America







-Collins Writings

- Presentations

- Group and Individual Projects

-Class work and participation



- Maps and Analysis from online Atlas

-Online Webquests


-Newsella Articles

-Commonlit Articles

-Google Classroom

-Teacher Created Resources

-Various Websites